Master Pain, Outsmart Aging, Embrace Vitality : Empower Your Journey to Radiance

Post Surgery Recovery

A happy mother after a quick recovery from childbirth

Overcoming Pain: A Healing Journey Post Surgery and/or Childbirth.

Welcome to the POST surgery Recovery
Expert Programme

Nurturing Your Journey to Healing Post Surgery Recovery, Hip/Neck Replacement Surgery recovery, Post Pregnancy and/or Childbirth

Your Journey to Wellbeing, Personalised

We understand the intricacies and challenges of recovery after major life events such as surgery and childbirth. Our Recovery Expert Programme is meticulously designed to cater to the unique needs of each individual, particularly focusing on women who have undergone surgical procedures like liposuction or the profound journey of childbirth, for whom it is vital for incision healing, pain management, physical recuperation, breastfeeding support, and prevention of complications. It also includes scar management, all contributing to a quicker, more effective recovery for new mothers.

Similarly, other surgeries are also significant intervention that entails excising impaired portions of the joints and substituting them with synthetic prostheses. The recuperation process can be arduous and may necessitate several weeks or months of restoration. However, these complementary therapies may assist in accelerating the healing and alleviating the discomfort and swelling. At Wellness Balance, we can collaborate with your medical advisers and offer you a comprehensive recovery at our facility or at your residence.

 The Programme: A Symphony of Care

Stage 1: Preparation

Pre-Surgical Guidance & Antenatal Readiness

✓ Prepare your body with bespoke treatments that prime you for quicker healing and a reduced recovery period.

Stage 2: Critical Support

Intra-Operative Care & Immediate Postnatal Support

✓ Essential care when it’s most critical, with techniques that minimise complications and enhance recovery from the outset.

Stage 3: Tailored Rehabilitation

Post-Operative and Postnatal Recovery

✓ A full spectrum of postoperative and postnatal care focusing on pain relief, oedema reduction, and scar management for a smoother return to daily activities.

The programme helped me recover faster and better than I expected post pregnancy and childbirth.

Vicky Jones, 36

Rediscover vitality: a unique, tailored healing journey blending traditional wisdom and modern techniques, perfect for your post pregnancy or post-childbirth recovery.

recover better

A lady feeling relaxed showing the recovery of post child birth surgery
A lady feeling relaxed showing the recovery of post child birth surgery

The programme helped me recover faster and better than I expected post pregnancy and childbirth.

Vicky Jones, 36

Rediscover vitality: a unique, tailored healing journey blending traditional wisdom and modern techniques, perfect for your post pregnancy or post-childbirth recovery.

recover better

Specialised Therapies for Comprehensive Post pregnancy Healing

  • Chinese Lymphatic Drainage: Expertly executed to diminish swelling post childbirth. Also helps to eliminate toxins promoting faster healing.
  • Skin Preparation & Care: Ensure your skin is optimally healthy and supple for improved recovery.
  • Scar Management:  Includes massage and specific exercises, which is crucial for those who’ve had a C-section. Specialised treatments to minimise scarring and promote smoother skin. 
  • Acupuncture & Moxibustion: Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese practice, can alleviate postpartum discomfort and balance the body’s energy. Moxibustion involves the burning of mugwort herb near specific acupuncture points, is believed to strengthen the blood and stimulate the flow of Qi, aiding in recovery.
    • Physiotherapeutic Techniques: Realign and rejuvenate tissues for complete functionality. Includes pelvic floor exercises, which can help restore strength and functionality to muscles affected by childbirth.
    • Medical Massage: Aids in the reduction of swelling and alleviation of discomfort associated with childbirth it gently manipulates muscles helps restore their functionality, particularly beneficial for the abdominal and pelvic regions.

    Post Surgery therapies for replacement surgery recovery

    • Chinese Lymphatic Drainage: Using gentle pressure and strokes to stimulate the flow of lymph, a fluid that carries waste and toxins away from the tissues. This can help to reduce swelling, improve circulation and boost the immune system. Lymphatic drainage can be performed only by a therapist or by using a device that applies suction to the skin.
    • Acupuncture: This traditional Chinese medicine practice involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body. These points are believed to correspond to different organs and systems and to regulate the flow of Qi, or vital energy. Acupuncture can help to relieve pain, relax muscles, reduce inflammation and promote healing. It can also stimulate the release of endorphins, natural painkillers that improve mood and well-being.
    • Moxibustion: Another traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves burning dried mugwort, or moxa, on or near certain acupuncture points. The heat from the moxa can warm the meridians, or energy channels, and dispel cold and dampness that may cause stiffness and pain. Moxibustion can also enhance the effects of acupuncture and improve blood and qi circulation.
    • Medical Massage: A type of massage therapy that focuses on specific areas of the body that are affected by injury or surgery. It can help to loosen tight muscles, improve range of motion, increase blood flow and oxygen delivery, and reduce scar tissue formation. Medical massage can also stimulate the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood, sleep and appetite.

    Your EXPERT Partner in Post pregnancy and childbirth

    Optimised Circulation: Arrange sessions before your surgery or childbirth to prime your body for what’s to come.

    Post-Procedure Support: If you join us after surgery or postpartum, our doors are open, ready to provide immediate, customised care.

    A Personal Approach: Every step of your recovery is significant to us, and we ensure it’s met with the utmost professional expertise and empathetic attention.

    our Trusted ally in any replacement surgery recovery

    Knee and hip replacement surgery is a significant intervention that entails excising impaired portions of the joints and substituting them with synthetic prostheses. The recuperation process can be arduous and may necessitate several weeks or months of restoration. However, these complementary therapies may assist in accelerating the healing and alleviating the discomfort and swelling through our replacement surgery recovery. At Wellness Balance, we can collaborate with your medical advisers and offer you a comprehensive recovery at our facility or at your residence.

    Hip replacement surgery recovery, the path to full mobility seemed daunting until I discovered this tailored care programme.

    Alexander Jameson, 68

    Revitalize your essence: an exclusive, customized therapeutic voyage harmonizing age-old knowledge and contemporary methods, ideal for your post replacement surgery recovery.

    recover faster
    Patient on a wheelchair looking for quick recovery from replacement surgery recovery.
    Patient on a wheelchair looking for quick recovery from replacement surgery recovery.

    Hip replacement surgery recovery, the path to full mobility seemed daunting until I discovered this tailored care programme.

    Alexander Jameson, 68

    Revitalize your essence: an exclusive, customized therapeutic voyage harmonizing age-old knowledge and contemporary methods, ideal for your post replacement surgery recovery.

    recover faster

    Embark on Your Recovery Today

    Reach out to us to devise your personalised healing strategy. At Wellness Balance, your recovery, transformation, and wellbeing are our foremost priorities.

    Multi buy offers at Wellness Balance
    Multi buy offers at Wellness Balance


    "Post-liposuction, my doctor stressed the importance of lymphatic drainage for recovery, but this programme took my healing to a whole new level. The blend of expert-led lymphatic massage, acupuncture, and moxibustion not only reduced my swelling faster than I could have hoped but also significantly eased my discomfort. Each session felt tailored to my body's needs, aiding my return to daily activities with surprising swiftness. It's not just about the physical care; the psychological boost of seeing and feeling real progress was invaluable. I'm deeply grateful for Suzie’s exceptional care and for making my recovery journey smooth and efficient."

    Amy Foster

    "Recovery transformed! After my abdominal surgery, the Recovery Expert Programme was my sanctuary. The lymphatic drainage sessions were incredibly soothing and effective. But it was the acupuncture with moxibustion that truly amplified my healing. I felt each session promoting my well-being. I can't thank Suzie enough for her care and support during such a vulnerable time."

    Olivia Thompson

    "Post-hip replacement, the path to full mobility seemed daunting until I discovered this programme. From the get-go, the tailored care plan, the therapeutic touch, and the genuine concern for my well-being were evident. Each session was a step towards regaining my strength and confidence. Highly recommended for anyone serious about their recovery."

    Alexander Jameson

    "The journey after my C-section was as much emotional as it was physical. The Recovery Expert Programme addressed both with the utmost compassion. The personalised attention and treatments like massage and acupuncture made all the difference. Not only did my recovery accelerate, but I also found a moment of peace in those trying weeks. Thank you for the extraordinary care!"

    Sophie Richards

    "Having undergone multiple sports surgeries, I'm no stranger to the recovery process. Yet, nothing compared to the holistic approach of this programme. The team's expertise, especially in the realms of scar management and tissue rehabilitation, has been unmatched. They've not only facilitated my healing but also educated me on maintaining long-term joint health."

    Michael Harrington

    "Recovering from childbirth was made so much more manageable thanks to the Recovery Expert Programme. Not only did it enhance my mobility, but the personalised scar management techniques were a true highlight. The acupuncture sessions particularly offered comfort and expedited healing at the site of my episiotomy scar. The care and detail the team put into each session ensured that my recovery was swift, allowing me to focus on the joys of motherhood. Their approach was gentle yet effective, making a significant difference in how quickly I felt like myself again. I'm immensely grateful for the team’s dedication to my postpartum wellbeing."

    Emma Clarkson

    Read more about post surgery recovery

    Unlock the secret to outsmart aging and embrace vitality


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